You have heard about the expression ” The Money’s in the list” An email list is the biggest asset for any online business. And it’s True. It’s much easier to build relationships, generate regular returning traffic and make repeat sales to your list subscribers as compared to normal visitors. It is a high priority to know how to grow an email list. It is a high priority to know how to grow an email list or email addresses.
In spite of the emergence of social media and other marketing channels, email marketing is still an extremely effective way of reaching your prospects. Just looking at some of these stats:-
email open rate across all industries is 32%.
91% of the consumers check their emails at least once a day.
Over 70% of mobile purchasing decisions are influenced by the promotional emails.
So how do you take advantage of this? If your answer is email list building, then you’re partially correct. But with this smart planning and an effective strategy, you can grow your list and keep engagement rates even higher at your own according. It’s easier said than done. Here are some of the following tips will help you to build a high-quality email listing in record time.
Table of Contents
1. Craft a more compelling offer
We’ll start off with the biggest and most important element to increase your subscribers—make the offer more appealing. Sure, you can improve small factors on your conversion rate. But if you don’t have an offer that converts, you’re being penny-wise and pound foolish. Instead, focus on what you’re offering prospects in exchange for their email address. Today, we guard our email address carefully. We’ve seen too many companies spam us.
2. Create the Right freebie for the Right subscribers
The most common way to attract our subscribers is to offer a freebie like an eBook, a checklist, a cheat sheet or something else that holds value. Therefore, To attract the right subscribers, the ones who come with a buying intention, you need to create a freebie that actually inducts them into your sales process.
3. Make it as easy as possible to enter an email address
By removing the name field, you’ll grow your email list faster. If you want speed, consider removing everything except the email addresses. In fact, every step you can take to make the form simpler will help you build your audience. The fewer steps between a consumer being interested and them subscribing helps you grow.
4. Converting subscribers into customers
Once you have the right people subscribing to your email list, more than half of your job is already completed. It will be easier for you to generate more email listing from the subscribers. Your subscribers have the buying intention and, hopefully, after seeing your freebie, they know you are an expert and have real value to offer. Your only challenge now is to convert this buying intention into real sales.
5. Encourage people to forward your newsletter
In an email that you expect will get a particularly strong reaction, you can encourage your subscribers to forward an email. But if you’re going to use this method, you need to have a few things in place. Firstly, make sure you have a way for new people to sign up. And secondly, ensure the people who get the forwarded email don’t click the unsubscribe button—they’ll be removing the original recipient from the list. As long as you can include details on both of those factors in the email, asking your loyal existing subscribers to forward the email can be a great way to find like-minded prospects.
If you’re looking to start generating great results with your email list, you need to put in the effort to build a great list. To do that, explore new and creative ways to grow your subscribers. What would you like to receive in exchange for your email addresses? What would be enticing for you?