
As the Festivals are coming, now is the time for you to ramp up your email marketing. Here’s what you should do to make your holiday email marketing a success.

Make a Game Plan

Your first step is to make sure that you have a game plan. Every email marketer knows that armed with the right strategy, there’s no way you’ll lose sight of the bigger picture. Decide how and when you want to market this holiday season, and prepare a solid, well-thought-out plan.

You do not have to get an email for every holiday and opportunity (Holiday Email Marketing), but it’s good to know what’s going on, and for whom you want to make a market. Once you know it, the types of offers and imagery you are going to use will be easy to sync.

Make a Date of Email Marketing

Holidays like Christmas, New Year’s Eve will always fall on the same date each year, but remember the days of the week shift. So when you’re planning out your holiday Email Marketing strategy, be sure to keep that in mind.

Make it Mobile Friendly

As the working year winds to a close and schools start to let out, more and more of your customers and clients will be going on leave. Chances are, they won’t be checking your emails on their work computer anymore. Best you make sure your emails are mobile friendly, so your subscribers can read them from anywhere. It’s vitally important that not only are your emails legible and functional on mobile, but they also need to look fantastic as well.

Send Automated Emails

Holidays are busy times for all retailers and marketers. Instead of extracting valuable time from your sales and other responsibilities, you can use automated email to do all the work for yourself. Already set up, these automated emails will send the correct email to the right customer at the right time.

You can create a series of emails reaching certain holidays, with special mail sent on specific dates. You can split your automation and trigger different emails to different customers, depending on how they interact with your mail. Once this is all right, you can sit back and relax.

Grab Attention with Images

Using big, bold hero images is one of the easiest ways to showcase your products and keep you top of mind, all at one go. Make your hero images around the holidays that you are marketing to get the most impact.

Get personal with your offers

If you are not using dynamic content, then you run the risk of boring your customers with your generic, one-size-fits-all campaigns. Start making your holiday marketing more relevant by customizing your subject line, copy, or even entire content sections based on your individual segments.

In this way, you will deliver targeted, special offers and content directly to those people who find it most relevant, and you will see a direct promotion.

Make it urgent

One way to guarantee your subscribers jump at whatever offer you throw at them is to make it urgent. Nobody wants to be the only person to miss out on something. The best place to do this is in your subject line.

Things like “One day only sale”, “specials for Christmas only”, “don’t miss out” and “last call” will all drive home the urgency and importance of your marketing.