
Transactional email (Email Marketing India) is a kind of message that people really want to open. I am referring to things like invoices, delivery notifications, social media announcements and service renewal messages. Some of these messages are an opportunity to build a strong relationship with your customers.

Enough evidence to back this up, the growing popularity of electronic receipts is supported with an open rate of 33.7% versus an open rate of 16.2% for bulk email. Therefore some also claim that transactional emails can have up to 75% open rates. But I am unable to treat that claim with a large amount of salt.

What can Transactional Emails do for your business?

Transactional Email

    • Raising and building awareness of your brand.
    • Provide weathering opportunities by suggesting new and improved versions of products.
    • Cross-sell by suggesting related products.
    • Notify customer of current promotional offers.
    • Ask the customer about their preferences and desire for additional information.
    • Requests related to products they have already purchased from your business.
    • Encourage the customer to contact your sales team.

What to include in a transaction email

How do you convert these worldly messages into email marketing goldmines? Include marketing messages that the client would consider relevant and interesting.

Transactional Email

Here are a few examples:

    • Related products for final purchase.
    • Latest information related to updates and upgrades.
    • New product announcement.
    • Information related to products already purchased by the customer.
    • News items and additional information.
    • Educational material: tips, hints and articles etc.

How much will it be?

How many emails should you dedicate to your transaction for marketing materials? When it comes to adding email marketing content to an email transaction, it is very easy to identify some very enthusiastic people. Some suggest that 20% of “best practice” email is devoted to marketing content.

I suggest you consider starting with something less, ask to start with 10%. Then keep increasing it by 20% over time. So do it slowly and carefully monitor customer reactions and be prepared to minimize it at the first sign of transactional email marketing. When the email rates of your transactions start to decrease through the click, you will see evidence of this.

Avoiding Transaction Email Marketing Burnout

Transactional Email Prevent Burnout Based on Your Communication Style

One way to avoid transaction email marketing burnout is to use personalization. It is not simply a matter of placing the customer’s name on top of the email, but the use of automated processes that put marketing materials into transaction emails that are relevant to that customer.

You can use dynamic content to maintain your customer’s interest, but remember that firewalls and email clients have a habit of blocking that type of suspicious content.

Now for the bad news

Hence the use of transactional email marketing is very common now. Therefore customers are aware of this and will appear to be losing their effectiveness. The rates mentioned for transactional emails are being clicked in the above mentioned usage report.

Discuss another issue. Regulators are therefore interested in the use of transactional email for marketing purposes. Even the powerful CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is being brought in and marketers are advised to ensure that the unsubscribing option is highly visible and acted upon rapidly to avoid undue attention from the authorities.

For more related information, than you can go and check out migomail and telcob.

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