
Whether it is a small or large organization, Successful Marketing Campaign follows the same path and the implementation is always the same. So you don’t need to think more about designing a marketing campaign, what you need to do is- choose a right tool for the same. Here are 6 steps that will help you design a successful marketing campaign.

Determine the Goal

Likely, you will already have a good understanding of your buyer persona profile; this step in the cycle will identify which of those personas you are trying to reach. For example, your buyer personas may be both mothers of elementary schoolers and elementary school teachers, but in this particular campaign, you’ve decided to target the mothers.
Most importantly, start with the end in mind. What are you trying to accomplish? This may sound basic but, speaking from experience, it can prove to be more difficult than you think.

Marketing Campaign design

This is where you can get creative. Start your brainstorm with the sky as the limit; don’t get caught up in your resource limitations during your brainstorm because it will inhibit ideation. After brainstorming, you have to come back down to earth and figure out what your resources will allow. If you have no budget, you probably can’t hire M.C. Hammer (I heard he was busy with a new project too). Not every campaign has to be earth-shattering. Once you’ve developed the campaign outline, proceed to create graphics and copy.

Determine tools for a successful outcome

When determining the tools to use, consider your target audience’s sophistication (especially digitally), your resources, and a quick to market approach. It’s better to use Facebook and your company blog if you already have both of those tools in place. Don’t build a brand new website until you gain traction on some smaller similar campaigns.

After you’ve determined the tools to use, set your metrics. These will be ways that you can tell early and easily if the campaign is going in the right direction.

Schedule campaign implementation

Create your campaign calendar. If it’s a longer campaign(more than one month), set sprint benchmarks along the way. This will keep your team energized and moving. If the benchmarks are not met, it will also let you know if you’re on the wrong track. Put all dates and to-dos in your project management software and include various members of your team.

Implement the campaign

Surprisingly, this will be the easiest step. If you’ve planned appropriately, you know your target audience, and you know what to measure, this will be a walk in the park. Most important in this step is to pair it with step 6 and to begin measuring and analyzing your campaign immediately. Especially if you’re running a digital marketing campaign, you will get an early read on the success and will know whether any tweaks need to be made.

Finally Measure, analyze, and learn for next time

Again, step 6 should walk hand-in-hand with step 5 as measurement along the way is imperative. Just because you’re heading for a mountain that you didn’t expect doesn’t mean that you should crash, burn, and start the next campaign. Make adjustments. At the end of the campaign, be sure to note everything that you learned and measure your final success against your original campaign goal.