
Marketing Automation

Email Marketing, Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation Strategies To Optimize Your Market

email marketing automation strategies

It required an effort to generating new leads.

You need to nurture all of these lead in an effort to build actual sales conversion but it is not that simple. email marketing automation strategies

One option that you may have never thought to use is email marketing automation. This may not be a brand-new concept when it comes to nurturing your leads, but only about 35 percent of all companies currently have this type of system in place.

While there are so many ways to being nurturing your leads email automation is one that definitely be considered.

best email marketing automation strategies

Keep reading to learn what you should do to find success with these efforts.

email marketing automation strategies

email marketing automation strategies

email marketing automation strategies

#1 Understanding Email Marketing Automation

First, you need to understand what marketing automation is and nurture your lead?

This is really an incredible way to build relationships if you deliver good content that helps you to drive more traffic to your website.

While you can’t overlook the importance of email parsing, you can implement email automation to help enhance your efforts and make it more tempting for leads to convert.

While it takes skill to create a lead nurturing campaign via email that is optimized and automated, once you understand basics it won’t be very hard at all.

#2 Plan Your Email Automation Campaign

Creating a successful email marketing automation campaign required to understand what outcome you are trying to achieve. Figure out your goal who exactly are you trying to target.

The goals include creating ongoing engagement with your customers to help develop a stream of repeat buyers increase the levels of engagement through your social sites; drive more traffic to your actual site.

Make a list of objectives

Determine who your prospects are

email marketing automation strategies

#3 Segment Your Email Marketing

email marketing automation strategies

Once you get to know your prospects you need to understand not all of them are going to care about the same things. According that you can’t send them all the exact same message.

Segmentation is a great solution this allows you to make groups of email list and dividing them according to subscriber interest and information that you have.

Segmentation in email marketing is the way by which a business can divide their customers into different groups on the basis of the Geographical, Demographical, Psychological, Behavioral Segmentation. These segment helps to target the right audience at the right time with the right information. It is a way by which you can manage the personalized messages and make emails unique for every person. So that’s a way by which you can make email unique for every customer.

Segmentation decision one which helps your business to stand in the competitive market.

In other words, Segmentation in email marketing helps you to connect and communicate directly with subscribers. It provides the knowledge that they want about company products and services.

#4 Create A Valuable Message

Why would anyone read an email from you? While you have some amazing information to offer and able to solve a problem with your audience as they are never going to know this if they don’t take the time to look at the email.

There are people who are interested in gain information that you shared. They want to know more about the business that they follow. Most new contracts are very likely to read the first email that you send.

When you being creating your email marketing campaign it isn’t just enough for you’re targeting to actually need what it is you have to offer. It also won’t be enough to go through all the features and the benefits you provide at the same time.

#5 Create A Call To Action

After creating your email content you have to focus on the all call to action. This is the moment that your marketing campaign is always working toward.

When you get close to the end of your email marketing campaign, then you need to create CTA. Determine the main offer of your campaign. What your goals really is

Remember, this is the very last part of your email that your prospects are going to see; however, it could be the first thing that you create. When you reach the conclusion of your funnel, then there are two things that you need.

#6 Landing Page Development

email marketing automation strategies

It important that the landing page you create is consistent with the email content you are sending out. Having cohesive images and messaging is going to help to increase your overall conversion rates.

If you plan to use specific visuals in CTA of your email, then you need to make sure that people visiting your website see that same image above the fold on the landing page. Also, figure out the number of landing pages that are needed and then start to develop them.

When you start to create your landing pages, you need to figure out how many you make, make sure they are consistent with the email messages you are sending, and use templates to make it easier.

#7 Use A/B Testing

It’s important to take the test of your emails so that you create a completely optimized and automated email marketing campaign. Make sure that you are testing your emails at each stage of the campaign that you are creating.

You need to provide A/B testing for all parts of your emails including the subject lines, the content in your email, the CTA, the email trigger, the day and time you send, and your frequency.

You need to make sure that you measure your results using a tracking system so you can analyze the conversion rates over a set period of time.

#8 Optimize And Repeat

One of the biggest advantages offered by an email campaign is that they are easy to change. They aren’t too expensive to continue to repeat. In fact, you can test the campaigns you have created on an ongoing basis.

Some of the steps that you can optimize your email is by looking at the frequency, the day and time, the CTA, the “from the line,” the body copy and subject line, and many more.

You should make sure that you observe the results that you are getting on either a weekly or even a monthly basis. When you do this, you can see as your sales conversions get bigger and bigger.

#9 Don’t Give Up

Remember, when it comes to your email automation, there are more than a few emails that you can send. Just because the candidate did not take action based on the first email that you sent, doesn’t mean they are a complete lost cause.

The key is to assure that you continue nurturing the lead. This is what automation is all about. You can set up to send emails based on when someone doesn’t convert, or if they leave something in the cart, or for a myriad of different reasons.

best email marketing automation strategies

Best Email marketing automation strategies. Email marketing automation strategies to optimize market

Email marketing automation strategies

Marketing, Marketing Automation, Successful Marketing Campaign

Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Services Provider in India

Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform Services Provider In India

Marketing Automation Platform is a set of solutions that cater to customer acquisition, engagement, and loyalty through various channels including web, mobile, email, and social networks. Colloquially, it generally refers to inbound marketing activities which include lead management, search marketing (organic and pay per click), landing pages, social engagement, content marketing, conversion optimization, and measurement analytics.

Best Marketing Automation Platform refers to the software platforms and technologies which are designed for marketing departments in organizations to automate and streamline their marketing efforts across online channels such as email, social media, push notifications, etc. It is essentially a set of tools designed for businesses to automate personalized, contextual engagement for their prospects and customers in a timely manner.Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform Services Provider In India, Marketing Automation Platform In India

Marketing Automation Platform has become an integral part of e-commerce, as marketing automation companies like Betaout have been able to combine different aspects of e-commerce marketing such as audience segmentation, customer relationship management, and omnichannel engagement and more – all in a single tool.

If you haven’t heard, marketing automation is the suite of software that is quickly taking over the marketing department in most businesses, be they big or small. There are literally dozens of them, and they all like to tout their own features and what differentiates them from their competitors, but the truth is told, they all do pretty much the same thing. They all make it easier to schedule emails, segment contacts, automate social media posting, manage your content, and track the lifecycle of customers in your marketing funnel.

Where the big differences come in is how much they focus on each of these automation actions. And this is where the questions of which are the best become completely subjective.

Here Are Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform Services Provider in India

No.1. Mailcot

Tagline: Built with love for small businesses.


Mailcot’s a Sales and Best Marketing Automation Platform In India. This CRM for small and medium businesses. Mailcot marketing Automation platform lets you engage subscribers with ease, boost sales, and take back the time to do the things you love. It’s complete with everything, from web popups and email templates to advanced sales and marketing automation; designed to help small businesses sell and market like the Fortune 500, at a fraction of the cost. Mailcot’s services trusted by over 7,000 customers and fill in the space of a killer combo of CRM and Best Marketing Automation Platform in India.

No.2 Capillary

Tagline: Enabling omnichannel commerce.


Capillary’s Intelligent Customer Engagement (ICE) suite of products integrates all the essentials of customer engagement. With a robust combination of big data and cloud-based analytics engine, Capillary optimizes discounts, offers and increases the profitability to customers. The company now reaches out to 70 million consumers across over 10,000 stores and serves 140 brands worldwide.

No.3 Chargebee

Tagline: The smartest way to set up your subscription billing.


Chargebee is a recurring billing platform for subscription-based SaaS and e-commerce businesses. It allows you to automate payment collection, invoicing, email notifications, and customer management, by integrating with leading payment gateways. Their clients process $100 million in annual transactions through ChargeBee.

No.4 Exotel

Tagline: Never miss a business call.


Exotel aims to help businesses, both large and small, manage their business phone system via a virtual phone system. The company is currently handling more than 1 million calls a day with over 18,000 companies registered on its site and over 45,000 users.

No.5 Zoho

Tagline: The operating system for business.


Zoho takes its love for small businesses to the next level with its smart software offering. The company enjoys a worldwide user base of 15 million and has over 33 products that help you achieve your sales & marketing, support, finance, and recruitment needs with a deep focus on business. The company’s flagship product Zoho CRM is pitted as India’s answer to the behemoth grandpa of SaaS – Salesforce.com and emerges a clear winner in terms of price comparison with the latter.




Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform Services Provider In India, Marketing Automation Platform In India



Let’s now look the 10 key features of Mailcot’s

We identify 10 for simplicity starting with the features of marketing automation related to the different touchpoints.

1. Automated personalized messaging sequences featuring dynamic content and response assessment

We gave the example of a welcome sequence, but marketing automation will include communications across the lifecycle. Traditionally messaging is via email, but contact maybe through mobile SMS, app push notification, or voice. So that messaging service should assess responses and interactions generated at the individual level to help with future follow-up.

2. Website and mobile personalization and response assessment

Relevant, contextual, personalized messages can also be delivered via messages to prospects and customers as they browse desktop and mobile sites and apps. Response to personalized creative and offer should also be monitored for assessing intent to purchase and subsequent follow-up. But also
Automated emails can potentially become much more relevant if they’re based on actions that consumers take on a site. So For example, searching for a product or browsing a product category is ripe for follow-up emails if a purchase doesn’t occur.

3. Social media integration and personalization

Social media are another key customer touchpoint today both on desktop and mobile. Traditionally, social media status updates are more difficult to personalize, but the use of social sign-in makes it possible to integrate social media with the data capture from traditional CRM

4. Point-of-sales integration and personalization

Where purchase occurs online, at a checkout in-store or by phone, these transactions should also be integrated into the marketing automation system.

5. Lead capture

Marketing automation systems enable prospect or customer details and profile information captured through online forms. But usually in return for access to free content such as a whitepaper download or a webinar.

6. Lead scoring

This is a key aspect of lead management, it involves assessing customer likelihood to purchase based on. They also disclosed preferences and analysis of purchase intent based on their behavior.

7. Lead management and sales workflow.

Human intervention to contact prospects involved in many businesses with high-value products which are complex decisions for consumers. So that the Marketing Automation Platform In India enables information about prospects passed and prioritized for action using a workflow.

8. Campaign management.

Management of marketing campaigns at a higher-level of planning can also be a feature of Best Marketing Automation Platform systems. This generally involves the scheduling of automated messages, but it can also include scheduling the launch of content and paid media for different waves of a campaign on a campaign timeline.

9. Customer service management.

The core focus of the Marketing Automation Platform In India is managing outbound communications like emails and phone contact. But there is also scope for automating the delivery of customer service both for prospects and customers. This can include routing of inbound customer inquiries from contact forms and phone. The creation of online web self-service desks. They can also help here since this can help customers find the product information reduce other forms of contact

10. Integrated customer and campaign intelligence and analytics

Gaining a “360-degree customer view” has long been the aim of CRM systems. The requirement at the heart of the Marketing Automation Platform In India too. Customer data on their profiles, behaviors across all channels and touchpoints, campaign response, and sales integrated. In larger businesses, centralization into a data warehouse. So that used for analysis with Big Data techniques promising the creation of insight to improve targeting.

So That this definition shows the broad scope and benefits of Best Marketing Automation Platform In India


Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform  Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform Top 5 Best Marketing Automation Platform 

B2B Marketing, B2C Marketing, bulk emailing service provider in india, Business, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Email marketing service providers in india, Email Marketing Tips, Mail Marketing, Mail Marketing India, Marketing, Marketing Automation, Mass Mailing Services

Best Guide To Real Estate Email Marketing

Real estate email marketing looks like an amazing idea, particularly for agents and companies that rely on a traditional method to join with clients. But make no mistake, if you are working in today’s competitive market, you need to learn how to use email marketing for real estate. To understand the value of email marketing for dealers, you’ll need to learn what it can do to help your business. That includes discovering how real estate email blasts and campaigns can help you better engage with customers and planned clients.

Email marketing goes well beyond engagement and can help nurture leads and grow the business. It’s a simple concept, but one that requires skill and the help of a committed email blast service to perform.

Why do real estate email marketing?

The advantages of email marketing to dealers are many. The first thing you need to know is why you should be using email marketing.

1) Saves time and money

Real Estate email marketing

Once you craft a winning email campaign you can sit back and let the system do its work. The glorious beauty of email marketing is that it can be automated. So once you have your email list in place and have created your messaging, you can focus on bigger ticket items like closing sales.



2) Develop your real estate brand

real estate email marketing


Real estate email marketing should directly follow your agency’s brand. Your business now has a prominence within your community, and your email messages should expand on that. By creating appropriate content, you can build out your brand efficiently.




3) Foster commitment with real estate clients and prospects

real estate email marketing

Your central goal as a real estate professional is to engage with your clients and prospective customers. Targeted email blasts and campaigns will help you do just that, fostering your existing relationships and adding your brand to new possibilities. Real estate email marketing is one of the best ways to nurture engagement. Email marketing for real estate agents is an underutilized tool. “From client income, client recognition, product listings, promotions, lead generation, lead nurturing to branding, businesses have yet to provide the full potential of email.”


4) Generate more revenue for your real estate business

Generate Revenue

A real estate email campaign is a great way to turn leads into sales. Email offers an informal way to communicate with prospects and learn more about their behaviors and needs. That valuable information can then be used to close sales and generate revenue.





How email marketing will affect

your real estate business?


1) Nourish relationships with real estate clients

Customer Buyer Competition - Free image on Pixabay

Customers want to feel involved and connected with the businesses they work with. This is especially true in the high-stakes world of real estate. A targeted real estate email marketing campaign will help nurture those relationships. Remember that not all your customers and prospects are alike. By using techniques such as email segmentation, you can organize your real estate list into segments of contacts that share the same features. When your email content is related to a contact’s needs, they are more likely to read it all the way through. Customers want to feel appreciated and acknowledging interests through directed emails to build trust in real estate brands.

2) Grow more adaptable

4 Ways to Boost Your Adaptability Skills | Drexel Goodwin

You want your business to grow and you want a marketing strategy that will balance beside you. Real estate email marketing is adaptable to your needs at any given time and can grow naturally with your business. Having flexibility in how you engage with clients is crucial for success.




3) Gain entrance to customers 

PGC - aboutus - Who-is-using-our-product - (Parallel Geoscience ...

Choosing an advanced email marketing service likes Mailcot opens the door to convenience. Our all-in-sales and marketing toolbox will help you market your services to a wider range of clients and advised customers.



4) Meet more real estate sales


The end goal of any real estate email campaign is to meet more sales. And with the right tools and technology, you will be able to compare sales to your email marketing efforts.




This is the Time to Try Real Estate Email Marketing

Hopefully, you are now satisfied that real estate email marketing is a good choice for your business. From newsletters to targeted content, email allows an easy and affordable way to grow your business and engage with clients. It also provides unlimited opportunities for creativity and gives your real estate agency a future to modify your brand from the game. It has the unusual quality of providing corner, targeted communications to a broad group of people. Real estate email thrills and campaigns are comparatively simple to build. Working with a trusted partner like Mailcot will give you all the tools required to succeed. Open your free Mailcot account in just a couple of clicks to get started!

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Best Marketing Automation India

The Marketing Automation India story is yet in its initial steps. Most famous views globally still imply that there is less than 10% approval of marketing software platforms also when you join up the customer part of all primary providers.

Globally the Marketing Automation software market will be worth $7.63 Billion by 2025 as per estimates by various researches. The market is supposed to increase between 2016 to 2025 with India and China witnessing the tremendous growth in the customer base. As per estimates, the size of India market alone is over USD 500 million.

Story- Marketing Automation India

 marketing automation india

Marketing Automation India as the name sounds somewhat amorphous for a whole industry. The marketing automation market in India also started with lead generation and nurturing technologies gradually providing a wide array of analytics and social media management capabilities.

By the time the marketing automation wave hit the country, entrepreneurs in India had realized that they can’t understand the approach of building an “all you ever need” package for marketers. The marketing automation India wouldn’t be concluded without considering serial-entrepreneurs. Marketers have also embraced automation to simplify their tasks.

Challenges For Marketing Automation India

 challenges for marketing automation india

1. Budget Constraints & ROI Enigma

Most marketers connect low marketing budgets as one of the logic for the non-adoption of marketing automation resolutions. For some who take the leap of belief to use a marketing automation solution but only assess it in terms of Return on Investment (ROI) leave to see the value.

Another mistake that marketers could find to see the return on investment (ROI) reaching up, but sales dip. This could be a consequence of some simple causes and effects. As media expansion increase across channels, the reach has decreased for almost every channel and publisher. Growing costs coupled with declining reach drives up Cost-Per-Point (CPP), which means your original needs to be exponentially more efficient to deliver the same results. In most cases, even the greatest creative cannot compensate for the decline in efficiency.

2. First Think Content Strategy

The latest report suggests that the number of marketing tools competing a marketer’s attention raised by 40%  from the previous year. With so many marketing tools available, the choice to pick a marketing automation solution is usually driven by FOMO (fear-of-missing-out).

Outwardly a sharply defined content approach, the automation solution only stops up showing the incompetence in the marketing department. Content lies at the core of any marketing automation solution hence it is risky to guarantee that you have a documented strategy of content in status before you design your marketing technology.

3. Automation Detox

The industry as a complete wants some sort of detoxification for putting stand-alone applications like marketing automation suites. The difficulty lies in the mindset that marketing automation is expected to automate repeated tasks that destroy the very nature of what marketers do.

To avail of the best marketing automation services you should choose Mailcot


If you are a business owner then firstly understand why and how your audience uses technology and then start trying to align your communication efforts. Mailcot Email Solutions focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI. Email marketing India /Email Hosting India is all about setting a goal and reach the goal in the given time period. You can’t expect to just write and have visitors come to your door.

Being online every business wants to be top and the higher rate of ROI, For this, they are competing with each other, So MailCot provides a wide variety of Bulk Email Marketing Services and Email Hosting Services (either it is transactional or Marketing Email) to generate sales and attract grand new customers depending on their email campaign. Mailcot also provide email Marketing Reseller program.

bulk sms

Email Marketing, Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation Software And It’s Types

marketing automation software types

When we decide to go with the email marketing then marketing automation is the best decision for the marketing of product and services. Types of marketing automation software 

But what actually marketing automation is?

Marketing automation is a software which enables you to send emails automatically to the subscribers. That lead you to increase the sale because this reduces the sales department efforts and cost-effective also.

Because marketing automation tools typically used by marketing departments of a business as a way to remove routine tasks from staff workflows and increase overall marketing efficiency.

Marketing automation is the way by which you can easily communicate with the customers and generate leads by sending automated emails to them.

marketing automation software |email marketing India


Benefits of Marketing Automation

types of marketing automation software

Marketing automation software email marketing India

#1 Increase Revenue

Revenue of a business depends on the market size cover by the business and customer base. Marketing automation allows you to analyze the market and make strategies. With marketing automation software you can target your audience through automated emails.

#2 Customer Engagement

A better product or a lower price is no longer enough to differentiate your brand from your competitors. But you can stand out by creating personal connections between agents and consumers. According to Harris Interactive. So it is required to connect with your customers and communicate with them.types of marketing automation software

#3 Track Marketing Campaign

This provides real-time data to analyse the performance and By the help of CRM data, this analyses the marketing campaign and provide you with the right information that which strategies working for you and which need improvement. So you can easily analyse the performance of the business and marketing campaign.

#4 Boost Sales And Generate Leads

One of the best benefits of email marketing automation is that helps you to increase the sale of your product and services. Because this involves all the data required for increasing the sales in the market and target the right audience at the right time with full information that helps customers to know about the brand and their product and services. types of marketing automation software

#5 Increase ROI

That can be possible because of the high marketing lead. When people come to your business and show their interest in purchasing any product and services. But that required the right information for the customers. Because of the higher ROI and good marketing efforts you can design your strategies for the market and competition accordingly.

types of marketing automation software

Types Of Marketing Automation Software

email marketing service India

marketing automation software types

types of marketing automation software

#1 Customer Relationship Management

A CRM is essentially your central hub for automating the capture, storage and retrieval of all customer or prospect data. This is a kind of automation software that include customer’s data, leads, past purchase data. This data help to make strategies for the business and manage customers accordingly. That also helps you to personalize the marketing campaign.

#2 Email Marketing

Nowadays email marketing is one of the first choices for companies for automation services because this service is affordable and effective.

Email marketing becomes the strongest and most effective way of communication between marketers and customers. And selecting the right and effective email marketing service provider from the competition is the toughest thing in the market.

You want to assure that your email marketing service provider gives the elements that will help your email marketing efforts a success.

#3 Marketing Analytics

The performance measurement tool by which you can manage your email marketing camping and analyse what marketing strategies work for you and what needs improvement so you can design your marketing strategies accordingly.

Marketing Analytics software allows you to get usable data such as visitor behaviour and activity. Further, it can link data from various channels for easier identification of effective channels.marketing automation software types

#4 Social Media

Social media is one of the most used platforms to reach customers at any time and any location. Business uses social media channels to promote their product and providing quick information regarding any change and update in product and services.

But social media marketing tools can still be used to help with, network management, and measuring the execution of your social media efforts.

Social media is a channel by which you can engage with your audience time to time and make a good relationship with them because nowadays everyone using social media platform and that makes an image of the company among the customers.

Types of marketing automation software

#5 List Segmentation

Categorize your customers sooner and deliver targeted content and see the positive ROI that makes email marketing worthwhile. Target your audience according to their interest and behaviour. That helps you to set strategies by which you can directly connect with them and provide information that they actually want.

Segmentation in email marketing is the way by which a business can divide their customers into different groups on the basis of the Geographical, Demographical, Psychological, and Behavioural Segmentation. These segment helps to target the right audience at the right time with the right information. It is a way by which you can manage the personalized messages and make emails unique for every person. So that’s a way by which you can make email unique for every customer.

marketing automation software.  types of marketing automation software . bulk sms

types of marketing automation software

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